New Members

A Guide to Getting Started with Daytones Harmony Chorus



THANK YOU for showing an interest in joining our chorus!

We have prepared these pages to answer some of the questions you might have and, if you join us as we hope, to help you settle in to having a good time with us!


Now numbering some thirty-five men, Daytones meet every Tuesday morning. We enjoy our singing, we benefit from the exercise, and we have a good time together. With weekly rehearsals, regular performances, and annual social events like the Christmas Lunch and summer 'Hog Roast' with family and friends, there is a full calendar of enjoyment!

We have a varied repertoire which ranges from traditional songs through to close harmony arrangements of popular material. Don't think men in stripy jackets with straw boaters; think a group of men having a great time together and enjoying the ringing chords of modern barbershop harmony.

Also high on the Daytones' agenda is supporting each other and contributing to the local community. We strongly believe that we have an activity which is health-promoting as well as great fun! 



This couldn't be easier - just come along and see how much we enjoy each others' company!

When you have been to a few rehearsals and liked what you have seen, we will provide you with access to all the music resources that you need, while you decide whether you wish to join. There is no set time limit, but we'd like you to feel comfortable for a few weeks before making the decision, and during this time we can help you decide where your voice fits in best.

There is no voice test and you are under no pressure to rush with learning the songs. Until you sign up with us you will be given guest access to audio teach tracks for the songs and sheet music for those who can read music (by no means everyone!).  Incidentally, many of us have been surprised by how easily we learn the songs as we sing them together over the weeks. And we are pretty good at helping "new boys" climb aboard.

Then on joining you will be asked to fill in a form, pay your subscription and receive the login to access the full website.



The chorus rehearses throughout the year on Tuesday mornings at Clifford Village Hall. The Hall has a good,  safe car park at the rear off Albion Street, Clifford, LS23 6HY. We usually open from 9.45 am so that preparations can be made for a prompt start with a warm-up from 10 am. Help from any member in setting out the risers from which we sing is always appreciated.

Each week the rehearsal programme is published in advance so that members can practise at home with the audio teach tracks provided, and then gain maximum benefit from the guidance of the Chorus Director.

We try our best to arrive in good time so as not to interrupt the rehearsal once it has started. The morning rehearsal always starts with some 15 minutes of warm-up, to prepare our bodies and voices for the singing ahead. We then sing through till 12 noon with a mid-session much-valued tea/coffee break for general announcements and some friendly socialising.



The Management Committee organises and administers the chorus and currently comprises:

Chairman – Colin Bunyan​

Secretary – Dave Chartres      

Chorus Director - Steve West

Sing-out Sec. – Joe Dod

Treasurer – Eddie Tinsley​

Welfare – Lowry Proctor

​Social Media Sec. – Terry Burns

Webmaster – Richard Semark​ 

Lifetime President - Godfrey Churchouse


The Music Committee is led by our Chorus Director deciding all things musical.

Chorus Director – Steve West​

Section leaders:

Tenor – Mike Tasker

Lead – Tony Waye

Baritone – Keith Barker

Bass – Colin Bunyan


All of these members will be especially happy to help!



We always enjoy our rehearsals but the icing on the cake for the chorus is in taking our harmonies out to audiences in the area. Performance is a motivator for us to improve our singing but it also brings the pleasure of seeing audiences enjoy the entertainment we provide.

Throughout the year our Bookings Secretary does a great job of securing engagements for us to entertain audiences at local groups and public events. When appropriate we collect donations for selected charities, most recently St Gemma's and Martin House hospices. Our Christmas repertoire performed in the area always helps us raise a good sum for these worthy causes.


The annual membership subscription is currently £72 which is generally paid in full on joining; this covers the cost of Hall rental, music licenses, teach tracks, performance outfit and all-important refreshments! Payments are made by standing order to the Daytones’ bank account at the Wetherby branch of the National Westminster bank:  Sort code: 55-81-11;  Account No.: 85011975.

There is also a one-off payment contribution of £30 towards the cost of a personalised sweatshirt and a polo shirt. A Daytones’ performance outfit of jacket and two matching sets of waistcoats and bow ties (insured for £90) is issued free to members. 

For further information please 

* visit our website, (where a copy of our Constitution is available)

* email us at

* or if you prefer to ask any member, you can be sure of a friendly response!




1. The Chorus takes seriously its responsibility for adhering to General Data Protection Regulation legislation. All data is collected for the purpose of the efficient running of the Chorus and to facilitate member-to-member communication. All members are required to give or withhold written consent for the storing of any or all personal data held by the Chorus, and it is the responsibility of all members to handle such data to conform with the legislation. In particular, no personal data of members shall be divulged to any third party outside the Chorus or used for purposes unrelated to the Chorus without the express permission of the member or members.

2. The Chorus strictly conforms with the requirements of Copyright and arrangers' licence arrangements. Chorus members are required to agree that there shall be no illegal copying of sheet or audio music and strictly no sharing outside the Chorus.

3.  From time to time, the Chorus may wish to use still photographs or video recordings for the Chorus website or other publicity purposes. It is the responsibility of individual Chorusmembers to state in writing if they wish to be excluded from such images.

4. The Chorus is insured through the group Making Music scheme. This insurance covers Chorus responsibility for accidental,member-to-member injury and public liability for the Chorus. At all times members should take reasonable care to avoid any accident and should review their personal insurance cover for other risks. 

5. Any member may be required to leave the Chorus should he bring the Chorus into disrepute or should he otherwise cause damage to the purposes of the Chorus, such requirement having been proposed by the Management Committee and voted for with a two thirds majority by the members at an EGM.